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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I am a Boston, Massachusetts-based Wedding Officiant and Celebrant; I also do free-lance writing, editing, teaching and coaching writers.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


The other day while waiting in the beauty parlor, I opened a copy of one of those women's magazines and fell upon a quickie interview with Deepak Chopra. I had to get past the overwhelmingly good photo of Chopra, looking like he'd had a good facelift and is working out at whatever gyms are available to him in his busy lecture schedule.

The interview, I repeat a quickie and by default somewhat superficial, suprised me in its simple wisdom. The question was about stress and ways to access peace and quiet. His answer was to take a moment to stop what you're doing, and inhale slowly with the word: I. Then exhale slowly with the word: AM.

Wow. "I am" is also a way to disidentify with the labels and language that get us caught up in our heads and then subsequently in emotional inner turmoil. I've practiced this for a few weeks and it helps. Try it.

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